Twitch Streamer & VTuber
On August 29, 2021, the greatest wish mocha had came true. She wanted an idea of who she was... what she was living for and created for.On that morning, after retrieving the coffee maker as a gift to herself, she found a small bag that held a leather booklet inside. This booklet contains a photo of young mocha as well as some interesting information of her existence as a trial to a new gamer coffee called "LURE". Marked as certified she questions was the writing on her photo marked "missing" and wonders where she is missing from. Fulfilling her purpose, she test the restraints of her certified radical chemical balance by gaming regularly.She's not like the average coffee but hopefully each night and sip of hot cocoa through a long night of brainstorming will help her.The origin of mocha remains a mystery to possibly be uncovered each year on her birthday by a nice anonymous friend.